
Showing posts with the label Realtionship

Breastfeeding helps women stay slim

Women who breastfed their babies even for few months after the birth were less prone to become obese when they get older, revealed a new study. Researchers from the Oxford University found that for every six months a mother gives breast milk to her baby, she loses around two lb that depending on her initial height and weight.

Is sex safe after surgery?

Testicular cancer : Man of any age can be affected through testicular cancer. But can be treated frequently in patients those are below the age of thirty. More than 90 % of the patients diagnosed of testicular cancer get full exemption from it. It is said sadly that many men have to through surgery also in order to get rid of this disease. [Photo Credit] This type of cancer is desolating blow to male’s livelihood because it can put a question mark on his manhood. It may be discourage those who yet to start their family. Sex is as safe after surgery as it was before. Does affect your sex drive : When one or the both testicles are removed then there is no affect on your sex drive. In many cases lack of interest in sex is found but it may be psychological impact due to surgery. Some times many men do experience low libido which will correct over the time. It is better to inform the physician about your libido state. Low sex drive may also be due to depression and anxiety. Does affect yo...

How to check her virginity?

Virginity seems to be an old fashioned and outdated among women in the age of 20s and 30s. If you are dating a girl that is virgin then you have to keep certain things in mind. Like other experienced women in matter of sex she may even not know the expectation of her in many matters. Her expectations depend upon what her girl friend told her like she may be expecting lots of pain or lot of delight. Here are explained some useful tips that will help to remove her nervousness and make her first time the remember one. [Photo Credit] Having control on yourself : She is not experienced but you have experience then it becomes your duty to give her gentle and firm guidance. You should lead her with full confidence because women love those men who have full control in bedroom. She may cry out with delight or she may ask you chase her but it does not sound as if she is ready. You are experienced and this is your job to measure arousal level of her. You want her to remember this movement for ...

Gadget helps blind see with their tongue

Scientists have invented an electronic device which may help blind people to see using their tongues. The device works by taking pictures through a tiny camera & turns the information into electrical pulses that can be felt on the tongue of the blind people. They have shown through tests that the nerves send messages to the brain, which turns these tingles back into pictures. The BrainPort vision device looks like a pair of sunglasses which attached through cable to a plastic lollipop. [Photo Credit] The users of BrainPort device can make out shapes & even read signs with fewer than twenty hours of training only. The inventors behind this device say that learning to picture images felt on the tongue is similar to learning to ride a bike. BrainPort device collects visual data through a small digital video camera about 2.5cm in diameter that is placed in the middle of a pair of sunglasses worn by the user. Then this information is transmitted to a hand-held control unit, which...

Harmful effects of Aspirin in healthy people

New study has found that healthy people take aspirin to prevent heart attack, the use of aspirin could do more harm than good to those healthy individuals who don’t have history of heart attack. Many people take a daily dose of aspirin in hope that it will keep them healthy & prevent them from heart attack. British scientists have claimed that for healthy people, taking aspirin doesn’t significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack. [Photo Credit] They also found that use of aspirin doubles the risk of internal bleeding in healthy people. The patients who had already suffered from heart attack should take the aspirin. They also advised that aspirin could be included with an anti-cholesterol statin & a blood pressure drug, which could be taken by everyone over the age of 50. Many health people take aspirin believing that because it has been around for such a long time, it is completely safe. Prof. Gerry Fowkes, of the Wolfson Unit for Prevention of Peripheral Vascular Diseas...

How to stay in shape with Sexexercise?

People try various things for keeping their body in good shape like treadmills, Atkins diet & long walks. But all went in vain. Now the fitness experts come up with a new idea for staying in shape & you need not to cot out various things from your diet, which is indulging in plenty of sex, also called sexercise. It makes you slimmer. [Photo Credit] The combination of sex & fitness is an ideal one, because sex helps to get a person fit & being fit, a person wants to have more sex. The good combination of both sex & fitness offers a person many health related benefits like improved blood circulation which strengths heart, helps to change the person’s bad cholesterol known as LDL to good cholesterol known as HDL, helps to maintain proper weight, provides good sleep & great amount of energy & also give longer & better quality life. Women, in particular, feel more attractive with sexual fitness, since they produce more estrogen, according to Fox News. Durin...

Women with bigger waist could develop Asthma

In a new study researchers have found that women who have bigger waist have high risk of developing asthma though their body weigh is normal. The study suggests that the amount of weight which women carry around their abdomen is particularly important. The researchers analyzed the date of 88304 women. [Photo Credit] They found that women with overweight are 40% more likely to have asthma than woman having normal weight. Asthma is three times likely to attack women which are extremely overweight than normal weight women. More surprisingly they also found that women with normal weight but whose waist is more than 35 inches are also at increased risk around one third higher than women with smaller waist. Body mass index (BMI) has been widely used as a standard measure of obesity. Many researchers consider that waist circumference can be used because it reflects levels of visceral fat deposits which are found around the organs of body more closely. These fat deposits are different that fr...

Lip bam could help to burn fat

Fat reduction breakthroughs that can help women control their appetite & boost energy. The makers claim the £4.95 product contains appetite suppressants and improves metabolism with a simple lick of the lips. Critics say the lip salve will do little to cause substantive' weight loss & there is no substitute for eating less and exercising more. The balm was launched in the U.S. earlier this year. [Photo Credit] Dr Allan Kurtz inventor of it said, “'People who have used this have reported losing between 6lb and 10lb without changing anything else. It works by suppressing appetite. There are always cookies & cakes in my office & when I wear this I see my appetite going away. Because it goes into your system through your lips it works quickly & you still get the oral gratification of putting something on your mouth.” The balm contains hoodia extract is an appetite suppressant. It was originally used in plant form. It also contains green tea extract to aid metab...

9 below the belt secrets, every woman must know

Most of the women are not aware about their gynecology health . In the event of any problem relating to gynecology, they have to run for the doctors. There are some simple gynecology secrets, by knowing about them, it becomes easy for women to know about the symptoms & causes of gynecological problem experienced by them in their routine life. Here in this article some gynecology secrets are explained that might prove useful for every woman. [Photo Credit] 1. Birth control pills can reduce your sex drive : Birth control pills can reduce the desire for sex in many women. This is true not only for women in their reproductive years. It’s also true for women going through menopause who may use a low dose pill to control symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. What can you do to get your sex drive back? Amaru says, “Consider switching to another form of birth control such as an IUD, if you’re in a monogamous relationship or condoms. use another method of protection to prevent p...

4 Ideal postures for Breast-Feeding

Breast feeding is most essential for the health of the baby & it provides the strength which helps to fight against various diseases through out baby’s life. To get the maximum benefits of breast feeding for the baby, the mother should find a position that is comfortable for the baby as well as for her. Other wise the baby won’t suck properly & it affects the health of the baby & it may also create engorgement, sore nipple & infection in the breast of the mother. Here are explained some recommended breast-feeding positions which are comfortable for both mother & the baby. [Photo Credit] 1. Cradle Position : In this position mother has to sit down in an erect position & use pillow to support her back. Now she places her baby in her lap with the baby’s head resting on the bend of her arm & nearer to the breast for feeding. She uses pillow to support the baby’s weight & this helps the baby closer towards the breast. Now the baby’s chest is against the bar...

Obese people are more at risk of Alzheimer’s

In a new study scientists have found that people who are obese have smaller brain & they are more at risk of Alzheimer’s. They found that brain in the obese people had an average of 8 % less tissue & had aged prematurely by sixteen years. On the other hand people who are overweight had an average of 4 % less tissue & appeared eight years older. [Photo Credit] They compared the brain scan of 94 people in their 70s who were obese & overweight. They found that the obese had lost tissue in the frontal & temporal lobes areas critical for planning & memory. Declines were also seen in areas used for attention & executive functions, long term memory & movement A neurologist Professor Paul Thompson said, “That's a big loss of tissue and it depletes your cognitive reserves, putting you at much greater risk of Alzheimer's and other diseases that attack the brain. But you can greatly reduce your risk for Alzheimer's if you can eat healthily and keep you...

How to keep your marriage sweet?

Romance is a main ingredient for happiness. People get married to experience the romance & take on a more mature form of love that involves commitment. Tit is not easy to say that there are marriages which never have problems. All husbands & wives fight & argue at some point. Making a marriage last doesn’t depend on conflicts rather, it is how to resolve them. Here are given some suggestion that could help to make your marriage sweet. [Photo Credit] Mutual respect : The couple should have mutual respect for each other. Love can’t thrive in a relationship without respect. The thing which is most important than passion & physical attraction is how you see your partner as a person & how you respect his individuality. Husband &wife should have regard for each other’s feelings. The two way communication : Whenever you talk, make sure you are also listening. Sometimes when you’re angry, you don’t have the patience to listen to your spouse and his attempts to explai...

Symptoms & causes of Autism among children

Autism : It is defined as a complex disorder of the central nervous system, impairing a person’s social interaction & communication skills often manifested by restricted & repetitive behavior. Autism is a behaviorally defined neurodevelopment disorder that begins in early childhood. Language delay in the preschool years is typically the presenting problem for more severely affected children with autism. [Photo Credit] Higher functioning children with autism are generally identified with behavioral problems when they are aged approximately 4-5 years or with social problems later in childhood. Have you noticed these symptoms in your child? You might want to consult with a professional. Oftentimes it will be very difficult news to hear if your child happens to be one. Symptoms of Autism : All people with autism have abnormal functioning in three core areas of development that are social interaction, verbal & nonverbal communication & the presence of repetitive & res...

Core muscle trainer for complete workout

This time Panasonic decided to try something new by producing exercise equipment. Panasonic is rather known for its electronic devices, whose quality sets standards in the industry. The Core Muscle Trainer II comes with a LCD display, improved ergonomic seat design & effective exercising programs. [Photo Credit] The core muscle trainer definitely adds a whole new dimension to your workout, by integrating up, down, forward and backward movements with side-to-side & twisting, to create a unique figure-eight motion. The proven results show greater core muscle-building benefits, and an effective, low-impact, strength-training workout in just 15 minutes a day. It's like horseback riding, just without a horse. Through its LCD display, user will be able to keep track of their workouts. Showing calories burnt and the muscles activated during a workout session, in addition to the exercise program time remaining. The Core Muscle Trainer II offers 7 pre-programs plus a Manual mode, w...

Treat your sprained ankle through simple ways

Definition of sprain : A sprain occurs when one or more ligaments are stretched beyond their normal range. Most people regard a sprained ankle as a minor injury. If sprained ankle is not treated properly, it can lead to lasting weakness, repeated strain & even arthritis. In a severe sprain, the fibres tear. [Photo Credit] Dr. Rogers said, “'You should get an ankle brace as soon as possible. This immobilizes the ankle, reducing the strain on it and giving it a chance to heal properly. Tub grip won't provide nearly enough support or compression to keep the swelling down. If you can put weight on the ankle, that's fine; but don't force it - the injured ligaments need time to heal.” First aid recommendations : Follow the recommended first aid for an ankle sprain, which goes by the acronym RICE: R for rest; I for ice; C for compression; E for elevation. Apply a cloth-wrapped (to avoid an ice burn) ice pack (not peas) to the area a few times a day for five minutes. Put...

Teen girls ought to know about reproductive health!

Menstrual hygiene is an issue that every girl & woman has to deal with in her life. But there is lack of information on the process of menstruation, the physical & psychological changes associated with puberty and proper requirements for managing menstruation. The taboos’ surrounding this issue in the society prevents girls & women from articulating their needs. Good menstrual hygiene is crucial for the health, education& dignity of girls. [Photo Credit] Menstruation : It is the cyclic occurrence of uterine bleeding that occurs near the end of puberty in girls. Typically, first periods occur around age 12 or 13. However, some girls begin having periods as young as 8 or 9 years old, while others may be as old as 15 or 16. If menarche does not occur by the time a girl reaches the age of 16, she should see her doctor for evaluation. Girls often have irregular periods during the first few years after menstruation begins. It’s completely normal to have irregular periods w...

5+health secrets women should know!

Women undergo through various medical conditions but they are not aware of many secret health tips. Female doctors want that women should know the secret health tips, which help them to prevent from many diseases. Here are explained some top medical secrets that every women should be aware of. [Photo Credit] 1. Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) : The irritable moods & water retention affect many women. The nutrients may help because it is though that it boosts the production of dopamine, a brain chemical which may be linked to mood. Magnesium may also help prevent the inflammation which causes water retention. Dr. Ann Walker said, “Many people don't eat the foods which contain magnesium, such as wholegrain, beans and green leafy vegetables, so supplements may help. You need about 270mg a day, and look for magnesium citrate, which is easier to absorb than magnesium oxide.” 2. Women more prone to back pain : Women are more prone to back pain because a combination of factors includi...

Tips for caring your contact lenses

People who have eyesight problem usually prefer wearing contact lenses instead of spectacles. Contact lenses have gained popularity & importance in today’s life style. With the increasing trend of wearing contact lenses it becomes necessary to have a proper care of your contact lenses. It is also necessary because they remain your eyes safe & healthy. Here are explained some useful tips, by following these tips you can take proper care of your contact lenses. [Photo Credit] Reading user manual : When you buy a pair of contact lens, there is a user manual which comes with it. You should not ignore it. You should read it carefully & follow the prevention & usage tips given in it. You should take advice from an eye specialist if you wear contact lenses first time. One must follow all the instruction given by the eye specialist for the contact lenses. General hygienic tips : You must follow the general hygienic tips when using contact lenses like always wash your hands...

How Soy alleviate menopause symptoms?

Soy is considered to be very effective in alleviating most of the symptoms of menopause due to its high concentration of phytoestrogens . These phytoestrogens are compounds derived from plants that contain estrogenic activity, thus having great effects on addressing menopausal symptoms. Here are explained the reasons why it is best for alleviating symptoms of menopause. [Photo Credit] Natural remedy for decreasing menopause : Scientists discovered that the soy chemicals called isoflavones could prevent bone calcium leeching, which is a common occurrence among people who usually take in red meats. The use of a soy supplement could alleviate hot flashes, which is linked to the decrease of the levels of estrogen in the body. This is because of the estrogenic effects of the isoflavones that could be found in soy. Relief for Night Sweats & Hot Flashes :To relieve frequent occurrences of night sweats and hot flashes, it is best to have a high intake of soy with its component of isofl...

Skin patch could make traditional jabs redundant

Scientists have developed a patch that can take the pain out of injections. It is the perfect invention for those who have a fear of needles. The stamp-sized patch is studded with dozens of tiny needles, each a fraction of a millimeter long is equivalent of the width of a few strands of hair. [Photo Credit] This patch is coated with medicine & it reaches far enough through the skin to deliver the drug but not deep enough to hit the nerves that cause pain. The patch could be especially useful for sufferers of age-related macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in the elderly. Although new drugs can improve symptoms, they must be injected directly into the eye each month, something that would be relatively simple by using one of the patches. Dr Mark Prausnitz said, “It's our goal to get rid of the need for hypodermic needles & replace them with a patch that can be applied by a patient. If you can move to something that is as easy to apply as a plaster, you...