Sperm using an appaling sense crashes into walls in race to egg
In recent study British researchers have finally solved the standing puzzle of how human fertilization actually takes place. They revealed that sperms have an appealing sense of direction, smashing into the walls and each other in the race to reach the egg. Male semen contains three hundred to five hundred millions of sperm, but only one sperm isneeded for conception. Sperm swim through the cervix, into the uterus and by the side of the fallopian tubes. When sperm travel through the cervix, different chemical changes mature the sperm to make them capable of fertilizing an egg. Only one sperm becomes able to enter the egg and after that cell membrane hardens and the remaining sperm die. In a joint study by researchers from the University of Warwick and University of Birmingham has found that sperm avoids the middle lane of the female reproductive tract and instead crawl along the channel walls. The sperms also struggle to turn sharp corners and crash into the walls and eac...