Factors cause Hypothyroidism & low Metabolism

One of the most important factors that lead to hypothyroidism is exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides, which act as hormone or endocrine disruptors & interfere with thyroid hormone metabolism & function. In fact, one study found that as people lost weight they released pesticides from their fat tissue. This then interfered with their thyroid function & caused hypothyroidism.

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1. Toxins & heavy metals : The toxins created a slow metabolism & prevented them from losing more weight. It is quite a significant finding that shows exactly how toxins interfere with thyroid function. Heavy metals such as mercury can also affect thyroid function. Many people with chronic hypothyroidism & other thyroid problems because mercury interferes with normal thyroid function.

2. Chronic stress & thyroid function : The other big factor that interferes with thyroid function is chronic stress. There is an intimate interaction between stress hormones & thyroid function. The more stress you are under, the worse your thyroid functions. Any approach to correcting poor thyroid function must address the effects of chronic stress & provide support to the adrenal glands.

3. Chronic inflammation : The next major factor that affects thyroid function is chronic inflammation. The biggest source of this chronic inflammation is gluten, the protein found in wheat, barely, rye, spelt & oats. Gluten is a very common allergen that affects about 10 to 20 percent of the population. This reaction occurs mostly because of our damaged guts & poor diet.

4. Nutritional deficiency : It play a big role in thyroid dysfunction. These include deficiencies of iodine, vitamin D, omega-3 fats, selenium, zinc, vitamin A & the B vitamins. There are so many reasons for low thyroid function.

Most doctors just check something called the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which doesn't give a full picture of the thyroid. There are also other tests, including free T3, free T4 & thyroid antibodies, which are essential.

7 step plan to address hypothyroidism :

1. Treat the Underlying Causes -- Identify & treat the underlying causes of hypothyroidism, like food allergies, gluten, heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies & stress.

2. Optimize Your Nutrition -- Support your thyroid with optimal nutrition, including foods that contain iodine, zinc, omega-3 fats, selenium & more.

3. Minimize Stress -- Eliminate adrenal exhaustion & minimize stress by engaging in a comprehensive stress management program.

4. Exercise -- Engage in thyroid stimulating exercise, which boosts thyroid function.

5. Supplement -- Use supplements to help enhance thyroid function, including all the nutrients needed for proper thyroid metabolism & function.

6.Heat Therapy -- Use saunas & heat to eliminate stored toxins, which interfere with thyroid function.

7. Thyroid Hormones -- Use thyroid hormone replacement therapy to help support your thyroid gland.

Comprehensive approach is needed to address chronic thyroid issues & to diagnose them. Unfortunately, most of the options for healing by conventional care are quite limited & only provide a partial solution. But by following 7 step plan you can achieve lifelong vibrant health.

More energy is spent in hyperthyroidism while resting


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