How effective Acai berry in treating thyroid?

Acai berry is purple color fruit that appear like grapes. Acai berry eliminates symptoms of thyroid malfunction. Scientist reveals the high comfort factor, in connection with consumption of acai berry. The supplements of acai berry can be beneficial for weight loss which seen accompany hypothyroidism. Acai berry has capacity of providing better metabolism. It also provides better digestion & removes toxins. It comes in the form of juice, powder & pills.

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Iodine necessary for thyroid : Iodine is a trace mineral, which is required for the proper and efficient functioning of the cells. Iodine is helpful in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency results in obstruction of the thyroid gland. Good sources of iodine include aquatic animals, such as haddock, cod, perch & sea bass. Plants grown in iodine rich soil & dairy products are also good sources of iodine.

Benefits of acai berry : Benefits of acai include better vitality & improvement in overall health. They are a good source of anthocyanins, which contributes to better heart health. It is a cardiac friendly fruit, owing to its high supply of omega 9 & omega 6 fatty acids. These components also benefit the heart by reducing the cholesterol levels.

Acai berries are a good source of protein and dietary fiber. Presence of antioxidant vitamins & anthocyanins contribute for its anti-ageing property. They contain ten fold of antioxidant vitamins, in comparison to grapes. Acai berries an excellent detoxifier, which wards off infection. Insulin resistance has a correlation with thyroid disease. Acai berries have a high concentration of fat including linoleic, palmitic & oleic acid. It helps with a good sleep pattern decreases inflammation. Insulin resistance has a correlation with thyroid disease.


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