Overian cyst In Woman , its Symptoms & Its Yogic management

Meaning : This disease is commonly found in woman who are of a reproductive age , basically these are sacs filled with fluid . There are many kinds of cysts of which some even not require any treatment, they automatically dissolved with the duration of time. But some types of cysts which need to be treated through medication & surgery.

Types of cysts : The ovarian cysts are of many types like Firstly Functional cysts , they are small in size disappear after a few menstrual cycles , it generally found in woman who are at the menopausal stage. Secondly there is a Dermoid cysts these cysts are made up of all sorts of tissues like skin and hair. These cysts can be found in any age. Thirdly there is a Cystadenoma cysts these cysts are formed from the cells and are found on the outer surface of the ovaries. lastly theres is Polycystic ovaries these cysts are more complicated than any other cysts these are formed from a deposit of follicle cysts that finally make the ovaries thicker,because of this the ovaries become larger. This causes fertility problems and can cause problems in

Symptoms :
Some of common symptoms of ovarian cysts are like

1. A pressure in ovarian region or pain in the abdominal lower portion.
2. There is a pain in pelvic region & intercourse is also painful.
3. Cycle of menstruation can be painful,irregular & can be delayed.

Diagnosis & Treatment : As a diagnosis doctors do a pelvic examination or an ultrasound & Can also go for laparoscopy ,as far as the treatment concerned surgery are generally prescribed to women depending upon her age & type of the cyst and other factors too.

Yogic management Of Ovarian cyst In Woman : Yoga Asana involve lying on the back, sitting postures or standing postures are generally recommended. In lying on the back asanas like Shavasana , Pawnmukta asana , Sarvang asana , Halasana etc. In sitting asana most useful is Padamasana , Ardhpadamasana , Paschimottanasana ,.Ardhmatsyendrasana , Gomukhasana , Guptasana etc. In standing asana include Tadasana , Trikonasana , Padhastasana etc.

Pranayamas are very useful in the patients of ovarian cyst first of they should practice the nadi shodhan pranayama i.e. Anuloma-Viloma in which the air is inhaled from one nostril & exhaled from the other & vice-versa , then Surya Bhedi pranayama , then most useful for this disease is Kapalbhati pranayam , Ujai pranayama with khumbhak , Bhramri pranayama wih Khumbhak & Bhastrika pranayamacan also be practiced.

Dietary Recommendations : The patients of this disease should take a Sattvic and Yogic diet i.e. simple & vegetarian food . the oily & spicy should be avoided because it create the burning effect to the body . The non vegetarian food like meat ,eggs , fish also be avoided . The green vegetable should be used to a maximum extent, stress should be also avoided .


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