What is Pranayama ? Its Meaning ,Objectives & Benefits

Generally , Pranayama is composed of two words ; Pran + Ayaman Which means breath ,respiration , life , vitality , energy & strength. When used in the plural it denotes certain vital breath or current of energy(pranna – vayus) Ayama means means stretch extension , expansion , length , breath regulation , prolongation of breath.

According to ‘Siva Samhita ‘ it is called vayu sodhana'.

According to Patanjali Yoga sutras ,“ Pranayama is the cessation of movement of inhalation & exhalation.

According to science of pranayama Swami Sivanand says, “ There is an intimate connection between breath , nerve current & the control of the inner prana or vital forces. Prana becomes visible on physical plane as motion or action , & on the mental plane as thought . Pranayama is the means by which a yogi tries to realize within his little body the whole comic life ,& attempts to attain perfection by obtaining all the powers of the universe.”

Aims & Objective Of Pranayama : To develop a steady mind , strong will power & sound judgement. To ensure the health of particular organ such as brain , lungs , stomach etc. To increase the intake of oxygen in the body.

To strengthen the muscles of respiratory system , expand the chest & develop the diaphragm. Provide internal heat & aids digestion. To cure many diseases of ears , nose , throat , lungs , heart & also provide immunity to the practitioner. To ventilate all ares of the lungs & increase their capacity & elasticity.

To develop the ability to concentrate & bring about mental tranquility & inner equilibrium. To assist in controlling & purifying the emotion & more passion which in turn reduce the tension & bring inner peace & emotional poise which is reflected on the face.

Benefits Of Pranayama : By means of controlled ,deep & rhythmic breathing during pranayam , more big energy is absorbed & stored in the body. Loss of energy due to physical exertion is compensated by the increased supply of oxygen to the blood.

The practitioner will have good control over the respiratory organs. It ventilate all areas of the lungs & increase their capacity & elasticity. It will strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system ,expands the chest & develop the diaphragm.

The brain faculties & memory will improve. The sense of smell will become sharper. The peristaltic movement of bowel increases. The holding of breath ( kumbhaka) helps to purify & improve the quality of the blood.

As the heart rate slows down in the process , the heart gets more rest. The activity of the heart is also regulated. The voice become deeper , softer & sweeter by the regular practice of pranayam.

Rhythmic breathing will contribute to the relaxation of the body & mind & dissolve tension. The cleaning of the nervous system , improves sleep , the overcoming of fatigue & immersed freedom from anxiety & worry are some of additional benefits.


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