Halasana - Plough Pose relieves Backache , Insomnia & Sinusitis

Meaning : In Sanskrit Hal means plough , in this asana the posture of the body like a plough hence the name Halasana. The main thrust of this asana is on the spine which is stretched to the maximum capacity. Along with spine many glands are also stimulated. Many people complain about stiffness on the neck & lower back as result of stress , due to wrong posture. This pose stretches the muscles of neck & lower back.

Detailed Technique : Lie on the back , stretch the arms straight & bring the toes & heels together. Now stretch the toes forward. The palms will face the ground. Keep the arms by sides along with the body. Keep the body fully stretched. Inhaling , raise the legs together slowly. Exhaling , press the palms on the floor , raise the legs beyond the hands till they come parallel to the floor.

Now move the legs forward until the toes touch the ground. In this pose the waist will remain raised a little from the ground. Now take the toe together more forward. Chin should touch the lock of the throat. The hands will stick to the ground & bring the arms near to each other. Normalize the breath.

Hold this posture as long as comfortable. Be very careful while returning to the original position. Balancing the weight of the body on the palms & resting each vertebra of the spine on the ground. Bring back the legs very slowly until they rest on the ground. The more slowly spine is brought to the ground , the more resilience it will gain.

When the back rests on the floor , bring down the feet slowly towards the ground & place the heels on the floor gently & comfortably. The slow downward movement of the legs will benefit the abdomen in a big way. On return , relax the whole body.

Things To Remember : People suffering from hypertension should avoid this pose. Those undergone any type of abdominal surgery should also avoid this pose. Those who have problem of high constipation should not do this pose.

Benefits of Halasana : The spine in this pose is stretched up to three inches more than its length. As result it becomes more resilient & healthy. It also aids in lengthening the size of the body. Besides this pose helps in supplying adequate quantum of blood into bones. All the glands , thyroid , parathyroid , kidneys , spleen , liver , pancreas , adrenal , seminal etc. get contracted in this posture.

When returned to the original position they get expanded , these glands are benefited internally. Since the lungs are pressed from inside they release maximum quantity of carbon dioxide. When come back to the starting position , they are filled with fresh oxygen & as a result their functional capacity is stimulated.

By stretching the spinal cord all the nerves connected with the spine & muscles are stimulated in such a manner that one is absolutely relieved of fatigue. Body gets relaxed & doubly energized. This pose also reduces obesity. In the final position the flow of the blood is pointed towards the coronary vessel. This feeds the heart & the shape of the heart is not unnecessary enlarged. Due to flow of blood towards the face it gains in luster. The pressure on throat will improve the function of the vocal cord.

The pressure exerted on palms & arms relieved the shivering of hands & strengthening the shoulders. Due to its impact on pancreas , diabetes is cured. It gives relief in gastric trouble & constipation. It also cures sterility. It cures insomnia & provides sound sleep.


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