Menopause symptoms & role of Yoga

Menopause is a part of every woman’s life. It is the hormonal , physical & psychological changes that take place in the three to five years during middle age before the last menstrual period. This stage usually occurs between the age of 40 and 60 associated with the permanent end of menstruation and fertility and a natural part of a woman's life cycle. Menopause can start as early as the age of 30 & last until as late as the age of 60.

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Menopause can also occur when ovaries are removed or stop functioning. Menopause stage of a woman's life occurs primarily due to decreased functioning of the ovaries. This reduced function results in decreased amounts of estrogen and a cessation of the menstrual period. It not illness but a natural unique biologic process for each individual woman.

Symptoms of Menopause : It include irregular menstruation , hot flashes , vaginal dryness , mood changes , urinary problems , changes in sexual desire , sleep disturbance , palpitation & some times backaches. But not all women experience these changes. Many women experienced pre-menopause phase. In this phase woman’s body begins to slow down the production of the female hormone called , estrogen which causes weight gain , night sweats , irregular periods , hot flashes , decreased libido & vaginal dryness. The risk of high blood pressure increases by as much as 5%

Yoga to cope with Menopause : Yoga is not a remedy for menopause because it is the phase of woman’s life , not a health condition. Yoga can proved to be an effective measure for reducing the complications associated in with the menopausal years. With the practice of yoga exercises , which gently stretch each muscle & promoting oxygenated blood to all cells & tissues of the body.

Yoga helps to optimize the functioning of the female endocrine glands & the organs of the female reproductive tract. Yoga exercises also improve the health and well-being of the female’s digestive tract , nervous system & all other organ systems of the body. Some of useful yoga poses for menopause are

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Tadasaba –Mountain pose : This pose provide stillness , strength , relaxed power like mountain to the body. It strengthen bone mass by increasing weight bearing on the legs, hips and spine, this exercise will help you accomplish increasing bone mass. It also improves balance and posture.

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Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar : It stretches the muscles of whole body. It is a combination of 12 graceful poses practiced as one continuous exercise.

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Salabhasana - Locust pose : This exercise energizes the entire female reproductive tract, thyroid, liver , intestines and kidneys. It is helpful for women with dysfunctional bleeding, as well as women with menopausal symptoms. It improves circulation and oxygenation to the pelvic region, thereby promoting healthier ovarian function. This exercise also strengthens the lower back, abdomen, buttocks, and legs, and prevents lower back pain and cramps.

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Dhanurasana – the bow pose : This exercise helps relieve menopause-related fatigue and lack of vitality, elevating your mood and improving stamina. The exercise also stretches the entire spine and helps relieve lower back pain and cramps. It stretches the abdominal muscles and strengthens the back, hips and thighs. It also stimulates the digestive organs and endocrine glands.

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Balasana – child pose : This pose is excellent for calming anxiety and stress due to emotional causes. This exercise will also relieve menopause related anxiety and irritability. The exercise gently stretches the lower back and is one of the most effective exercises for relieving menstrual cramps and low back pain.

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Pelvic Arch : This is an excellent exercise for stretching the abdominal and pelvic muscles. Menopause related vaginal and bladder symptoms are reduced by promoting better circulation and relaxation in the pelvic region. It is also helpful in reducing pelvic congestion.

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Wide angle pose : This exercise opens the entire pelvic region and energizes the female reproductive tract, improving ovarian function as well as normalizing excessive or irregular menstrual flow. It is helpful for varicose veins and improves circulation in the legs.

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Spinal Flex : This exercise energizes and rejuvenates the female reproductive tract and tones the abdominal organs like pancreas, liver and adrenals. It emphasizes freer pelvic movement with controlled breathing.

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Warrior pose : This pose stretches and strengthens the arms and legs, increases stamina, improves balance and concentration, and can also relieve backaches. If you are suffering from diarrhea, high blood pressure or neck problems, you should take extra caution practicing this pose.

Yoga poses help to cope with complication associated with menopause. You can choose the best exercises to provide relief for your personal menopausal symptoms. The combination of yoga poses will help in relieving & delaying menopause related symptoms & improve your general state of health.


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