Yoga for health and wellness during Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant is a kind of excitement for every woman , all over the world. It is also a crucial phase in the life of every woman because during this phase the woman’s body experiences many changes for the first time. She has to take proper care of her self & ensure good health of the baby in her womb. Yoga can prove really helpful to prepare the woman’s body, for the rigors of pregnancy & strengthening the muscles & relieving the pain , also increase the chances of natural childbirh.

During pregnancy it is best to join pre-natal yoga classes , these are specially designed for pregnant women. In these classes only those yoga poses which are considered to be safe & beneficial for pregnant women are taught. These are preparatory techniques to help the pregnant woman to cope with this crucial phase.

Some suggested Yogasanas for pregnant woman are Vajrasana ,Padamasana , Sukhasana , Shavasana , Butterfly stretch , Seated forward bending , Triangel Pose & Half Cobra Pose etc. Always end the yogasanas with Shavasana which relaxes tensed muscles & provide relaxation to the whole body.

Pranayama & breathing exercises should be practiced twice daily. Yoga Nidra gives deep physical & mental relaxation durin pregnancy. These pranayamas expel the carbon dioxide & give way for fresh intake of oxygen. Deep breathing provide more relaxation than the normal breathing. Some suggested pranayamas for pregnant women are Anulom-Vilom , Bharamari parnayam , Mild Kapalbhati & Nadi Shodhan Pranyam etc.

Regular morning & evening walks are most compulsory for the pregnant women. Above all the pregnant woman should take care of her diet she should avoid spicy , salty, fatty & non vegetarian food. Rather she should prefer high nutritional diet having fruits , vegetables , juices ,curd , starchy food , buttermilk & sprouts etc. The health of the unborn child is wholly depend on the health of the mother. Healthy mother gives birth to a healthy child.


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