Protects Your Child from Sun

Summer is a crucial time to keep your child’s skin protected from the sun’s harmful ultra violet rays. One blistering sunburn from unprotected sun exposure to child can possibly double the risk of melanoma later in life. More than 66% of the people don’t use sun protection regularly. As parents we began to practice what we preach, our child will be more likely to make habit of protecting themselves. Here are given tips for sun-proofing your child in summer.

1. Protection from day One : The baby’s protection from sun starts from day one. A baby younger than six months should be clothed properly. Baby should be clothed light weight long pants, brimmed hats & long-sleeved shirts. Use recommended sunscreen that has at least SPF15. Sunscreen should be applied to small areas such as face & back of baby’s hands. When it is used correctly can help in protecting against sunburn & certain skin cancers. But the sunscreen should only be used as a reason to stay in the sun for longer time.

2. Always choose Physical sunscreen : The baby’s skin used to be very sensitive which can be easily irritated by a chemical sunscreen. So always go for recommended physical sunscreen that contains pure physical block ingredients like zinc oxide & titanium dioxide. They offer the safest protection & reduce the risk of skin irritation. A physical sunscreen deflects the ultra violets rays rather than absorbs & activates immediately when applied. Before using any sunscreen always check its expiration date, if there is no date listed & the date of manufacturing is in question then go for new bottle. As a thumb rule, if sunscreen is more than two seasons old, it's time to replenish.

3. Don’t Skimp on the sunscreen : Always test out a new brand of sunscreen before slathering it on your child. Check its reaction by applying to small areas of the skin like on the extremities or torso. If child experiences itching or redness, wash it off and discontinue use. If no irritation occurs, use one ounce for each application. Apply twice to areas of the skin that wear against clothing or sweat frequently. Also apply a chemical sunscreen’s one layer to your child's face and body, & then reapply after 20 minutes to catch any missed spots. The sunscreen protects the exposed & overall skin of the baby while exposing in sun.

4. Avoid Sun exposure during peak hours : Since the most damaging ultra violet radiation happens during the peak hours of the day that is from 10 a.m. To 4 p.m. So avoid sun exposure during that time & find a shady place for your child to play outdoors. One thing that always remembers is to apply & reapply sunscreen to child, even though she is in shade. Be especially diligent with your sunscreen routine when child is around water, sand and snow, as these reflect & intensify the sun's rays.

5. Don’t depend only at Sunscreens : In addition to consistent use of sunscreen , appropriate clothing is also key for optimal protection from the sun. Dress your child in ultra violet protection clothes. Wide- brimmed hat can also help shade your child’s face & ears. Child’s sunglasses that block 99 to 100% of ultra violet rays offer the best eye protection. So don’t depend only on sunscreens but also proper clothing can protect your child from the ultra violet rays.

By taking these simple steps to protect your children's skin this summer & during any season, you can make sure they enjoy the sun safely.


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