How mint is useful for your health?

Mint also known as Menta Spicatas is green in color & has wonderful aroma & very common taste. The well-known medicinal properties of mint have made mint to become a regular eating food now a day in almost every household. . Mint is rich in number of vitamins especially vitamin A & iron with various other minerals that helps in proper functioning of body. Mint is available in many form, like medicines, powder, it is also mixed with tea. Mint oil is utilized in preparation of various toothpastes, confectionary items and & pharmaceutical preparations.

1. Helpful for Indigestion : Mint juice proves to be an excellent appetizer. Fresh mint juice mixed with lemon juice and honey helps in curing the problem of indigestion. The dried & even fresh leaves of mint are used for preparing mint sauces & jellies. Mint leaves also provides great & exotic flavor to food. Mint is very suitable for people who are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome & other digestive related problems. It slows down the effect of bacteria & fungus.

2. Helpful for Migraine : Mint helps in curing severe headaches, it gives quick relief from headaches. It is a very good medicine for those who suffer from migraines. Chronic problems like migraine, headache are effectively removed by Mints. People who include mint in their diet are less prone to catching infections.

3. Helpful in Mouth Odour : The chlorophyll present in mint along with its supplementary antiseptic chemical constituents destroys the germs that causes odour. Mint leaves also keep the mouth fresh by improving the sense of taste in tongue.

4. Helpful to Eliminate toxins : Mint cleans the blood by eliminating toxins out of body by its virtual diuretic characteristic. In this case you do not have to worry anything with your blood related disease. As long as you are using mint, you can get rid of all the diseases. Mint contains Vitamin E which helps in preventing the wear and tear of body by energizing the blood vessels.

5. Helpful for Nausea : Mint oil is very good for people who are suffering from nausea. People who get uneasy while traveling must carry some fresh mint leaves, or they can carry balms which are bases on mint oil can be helpful. Mint oil is also good for curing skin diseases like pimples; it acts as a good antiseptic.Mint juice is an excellent skin cleanser. Its anti pruritic properties can help in curing insect bites.

Mint oil is also good for curing skin diseases like pimples; it acts as a good antiseptic. Mint paste, if applied to ringworms gives beneficial effect.


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