How to take care of skin with tomato?

The lush red color of tomato not only appeals to eyes, but it also beneficial for your health. The red pigment of tomato contains lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight against cancer. Nicotinic acid present in tomato helps to reduce blood cholesterol. It keeps your heart healthy. Tomatoes also help in treating congestion of liver along with helping in dissolving gallstones.

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Along with helping in boosting up your health, tomatoes are also good for your skin. Tomatoes can be consumed as well as applied on the skin for natural skin care. It is a blood purifier & regular consumption of tomatoes can help in improving skin texture & color. Here are explained some useful techniques to take care of your skin with tomato.

Get rid of sun tan : People who spend long hours in the sun often suffer from skin tanning. Skin tan can be naturally treated with the help of tomatoes. Make a juice of tomato & cucumber & apply it on the affected areas of skin. This will help you naturally get rid of sun tan. Moreover, you can also use tomatoes to naturally treat the problem of sunburns.

Gain a radiant & glowing skin : In an attempt to gain a radiant & a glowing face, people try out so many cosmetic products. But by using tomatoes, you can naturally attain that desired glow. All you need to do is to apply a mixture of tomato juice & honey on your face for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Cure oily skin : Oily skin is prone to problems like frequent eruptions of blackheads & acne. Tomatoes are particularly known for their benefits for oily skin. You thus need to take proper care of your oily skin. You can apply mashed tomatoes on your face for some time. Then rinse them with lukewarm water & also simply rub your skin with a cut piece of tomato. This helps people with oily skin.

Tomatoes are also beneficial for people with skin rashes. So by seeing the above said benefits of tomatoes you should have good amount of tomatoes in your diet. So you can provide your body with the essential nutrients. That will help in taking care of your skin naturally.


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