New jab of protein could prevent heart attack

Scientists have invented a new jab that can help to repair the damage done by heart attack. An injection of protein could prevent the patients from having a second heart attack & stop them developing potentially deadly heart failure. This injection could be also use to improve the quality of life for the people who suffer from heart attack.

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This therapy also offers a hope to children with some form of congenital heart defects. The jab also stopped the animals from developing heart failure, a potentially fatal condition in which the weakened heart gradually loses its ability to pump blood round the body. Researchers believe it offers real hope to heart patients.

In the trial done on mice they found that injected into the heart of adult mice & rats, it kick-started the growth of new cells. Given as a series of injections, it helped repair the damage done by heart attacks. This fascinating-study shows, remarkably, that a significant fraction of adult heart cells in mice can be made to replicate and help to repair damaged hearts.

Professor Jeremy Pearson said, “In the last few years the discovery of stem cells within the heart has led to efforts to encourage these cells to replicate and become new beating heart cells, to help the heart to repair itself after damage. Until now, adult heart cells have been widely believed to be incapable-of replication.”

He further said that if the same mechanisms identified by the researchers can be shown to work in the human heart. It will opens up real possibilities for new & more efficient ways to treat people with heart disease. This jab will help to prevent millions of patients from further heart attack & provide a treatment to repair the damage done by the previous heart attack.


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