Reduce back, neck pain with towel & bottles

Working professionals in high stressed jobs often suffer from back, neck & shoulder stiffness & pain. A new designed workout that does all type of workout & addresses neck, back pain & shoulder stiffness which affects working professionals. It is a myth that complicated exercises or those done over long hours bear the best results. The simple exercise with towel & bottles for 20 minutes at home or the office proves quiet beneficial to ease all sorts of pain.

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If you are exercising at home, you must follow certain easy rules. Wear shoes that offer comfort & support as well as comfortable clothes like track pants & tees. It helps to keep a workout log. Warm up for 10 minutes before starting, and finish off with a cool down.

1. Bent over row : It strengthen back, prevent backache & improve posture. Extend the right arm forward & with left hand, bring the elbow close to the chest. As you push back your elbows, look towards the right. Breathe as you hold & then release. Switch arms. Practice it for 12 times.

2. Shoulder stretch : It stretches to strengthen shoulders. Extend the right arm forward & with left hand, bring the elbow close to the chest. As you push back your elbows, look towards the right. Breathe as you hold and & release. Switch arms. repeat this practice for 12 times.

3. Leg stretch : It strengthen front of thigh & muscle that pulls knee upwards. Take support of a wall & bend right knee backward. Hold ankle with the right hand for 50 seconds & release. Repeat the same with other leg.

4. Wall sit : It helps to work hips & thighs. Stand straight with your back against the wall. Bend knees, lower yourself slowly to form a 90 degree angle as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Hold position for 30 to 50 seconds.

5. Triceps stretch : it helps to loosen the triceps muscles at the back of the upper arm. Extend the right arm & bend the elbow. Drop the hand behind your head. Hold a towel in your left hand. Then bend the left elbow behind your back. Reach for the towel with your right hand. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds to feel the stretch. Switch arms.

6. Shoulder Press : It helps to strengthen shoulders, make waist look narrower. It can be done in standing or sitting. Hold spine erect, keep chin parallel to the floor. Hold water bottles in both hands, palms facing in front, elbows bent just below shoulder level. Lift arms slowly above head. Lower arms back to shoulder level. Breathe in as you lower arm, breathe out as you extend up. Practice it for 14 times.

Regular exercise develops & maintains healthy bones. The right exercise improves mineral absorption in the bones. Those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer fractures & develop less osteoporosis.


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