What to eat in Monsoon seasons?

With the advent of rains the monsoon season starts. Monsoon season comes with many diseases & there is threat of various infections that are borne from water. In rainy season water is collected here & there. Thus it becomes necessary for you to keep yourself healthy & fit during monsoon season. Here are explained some useful eating tips for this rainy season that will prevent you from various viruses that can cause different diseases.

1. Avoid roadside food : Many people are habit of eating the food from roadsides, but they must strictly avoid the roadsides food especially in rainy seasons. During the monsoon time this food can lead to various infections & ailments. The reason behind it is that germs & bacteria’s often take birth during rainy seasons & food items kept in open are most vulnerable to infections. Thus they should refrain from eating roadsides.

2. Eat green leafy vegetables : While avoiding street food , people should also pay attention to the kind of food that they eat during monsoon seasons. They should consume green leafy vegetables as these are good for health. They should wash & cleanse these vegetables before consuming them. Try to avoid intake of cut fruits & salads during monsoon.

3. Eat quality food : Steaming vegetables & cooking them before consumption is always better than eating them raw, especially during monsoons. Pay attention to the quantity of food you cook. Ideally, you should avoid intake of stale food and thus you must try to cook only that much of food that can be consumed in one meal. If some food is left, you must refrigerate it and not leave it in open.
4. Drink plenty of water : Along with food, pay attention to your drinking habits too. During rainy season drink filtered or boiled water always. This prevents you from water borne diseases. Try to drink plenty of water because it helps to dehydrate you body & prevent you from diarrhea.

5. Personal hygiene : Along with the above given eating tips, you must also pay equal attention to your personal hygiene. Make it a healthy habit to wash your hands before eating. Clean you body with regular bath to prevent from any types of germ & bacteria that can cause any skin problem. Try not to have stagnant water in or near your house. By following the above tips you will remain healthy & fit during monsoon season.


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