Lip bam could help to burn fat

Fat reduction breakthroughs that can help women control their appetite & boost energy. The makers claim the £4.95 product contains appetite suppressants and improves metabolism with a simple lick of the lips. Critics say the lip salve will do little to cause substantive' weight loss & there is no substitute for eating less and exercising more. The balm was launched in the U.S. earlier this year.

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Dr Allan Kurtz inventor of it said, “'People who have used this have reported losing between 6lb and 10lb without changing anything else. It works by suppressing appetite. There are always cookies & cakes in my office & when I wear this I see my appetite going away. Because it goes into your system through your lips it works quickly & you still get the oral gratification of putting something on your mouth.”

The balm contains hoodia extract is an appetite suppressant. It was originally used in plant form. It also contains green tea extract to aid metabolism, research suggests drinking green tea may increase energy levels by 4% & chromium picolinate which helps burn fat & increase energy. The ingredients are contained within a grease mixture made from shea butter & safflower oil.

Both green tea & hoodia were thought to help with weight loss, although tests showing this have been carried out on different forms of consumption. A spokesman for the eating disorders charity Beat said, “This could encourage young girls to worry unnecessarily about their body shape. We feel this is yet another marketing ploy playing on women's insecurities & issues around their size & weight.”


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