Learn better with a memory boosting nasal spay!

New invention by scientists could help the students to learn better for their exams called a memory boosting nasal spray. The spray helps the brain to retain the memories during sleep only when one followed a good night sleep.

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The spray uses interleukin 6 molecule that are found in immune system and spray was developed at the University of Lubeck in Germany. For finding the actual results, researchers tested the spray on 17 healthy young men in the laboratory.

In the trail on those young men after reading a short story , researcher sprayed a fluid in to their nostril and monitored their volunteers overnight. In morning they asked their volunteers to write down the as many words as they could. Researchers have found that those given spray could recall more words than others.

It is appeared that interleukin 6 molecule work during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, it is the time when our brain is sorting out the memories from the day before. But the researchers are yet not sure about long lasting effect and powerfulness of the spray.


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