
Showing posts from May, 2009

How to prevent breast cancer using aspirin?

A new research claimed that an aspirin a day may protect women aginst breast cancer . It is found in medical review that using painkiller reduces the rate of disease upto thirteen percent. one of the most common piankiller that is ibuprofen is also associated with 21 % fall in the risk of breast cancer. The aspirin & other anti-inflammatory not only ease aches & pain but also protect against a host of disease. It is found that women who were taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) piankillers had a 12 % less risk of breast cancer during their lifetime than others. In a separate analysis for aspirin, it is found that a 13 % fall in risk of breast cancer, while ibuprofen was linked to a 21 % decline. This research was carried out by the University of Santiago de Compostela , the University of British Columbia & by the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute . This finding has raised hope for millions of women, it does not establish whether painkillers prevent bre

Human organs help to digest Reality

The digeative process include not only the taking of food but also about swallowing & assimilating your reality .We absorb everthing everthing happened to us along with our feelings, sensations & experiences in life. Digestive system is a wonderful monitor of emotional balance. Whwn we are happy then our digetion will be reasonably maintenece free. On the other hand if we are experiencing conflicts, stress or difficulties then it ofen show up indigetion or constipation. The main organ participate in digesting reality are explained below. 1. The Mouth : This reception area where reality is vetted to see if it may pass through & a deeper lounge for emotion, thoughts, ideas & feelings. It break down foods & information into usable parts. This is indicative of our attitude to life, taking small or large bites, chewing quickly or lingering over each mouthful. Do you take a long time chewing things over & perhaps get so involved with the details that you lose sight

Music can sooth the pain of newborns

A new study has found that playing music to babies in hospitals can ease their pain & help to cure the feeding problem. When many test are done of premature babies doctors have to prick the heel for blood tests, it had been seen that sound including live music, classical & female singers all lowered the pain of premature babies. When music was played it also had been seen that babies born at full term appeared to experience less pain during delivery. The music played included live music, classical, female vocalists, recorded lullabies & recorded nursery rhymes . Some of the studies showed music could help premature babies who struggled with feeding. Many pre-term babies have a hard time breastfeeding or using a bottle because they experience difficulties with sucking coordination, as well as with swallowing & breathing . While carrying out one experiment, the experts gave some babies a dummy that was playing lullabies when sucked. Those babies who used this special exp

Combating leukaemia with green tea

New studies found that for leukaemia patients, green tea could prove to be life-saver. When given high dose of a green tea to leukaemia patients, a significant improvement had seen, including a 50 % reduction in the size of lymph glands. Scientists hope that the ingredients in green tea may increase the survival chance of leukaemia patients with an aggressive form of disease. Tests have shown that green tea extract can combat cancer. Preliminary results now suggest that the chemical could have the same effect on patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). The treatment reduced the number of lymphocytes in one in three patients. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is most common type of cancer found in UK affecting around 2, 350 patients every year. About half the patients with early stage disease have an aggressive form of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) that leads to early death. Researchers gave 33 patients between 400 and 2,000 milligrams of the extract tw

How to straight your hair naturally?

The poker straight hair framing your face looks more attractive. The women having curly or frizzy hair then they have two options, one is to pine away for straight sleek hair & other is get their hair straightened. There are many salons that offer expensive hair straightening treatment which are not affordable by everyone. Moreover the chemicals that are used by salons to artificially straighten hair may also prove harmful in the long run. Natural techniques for Straightening hair : There is way by which you can straight your hair naturally without using expensive & harmful chemicals. There are many simple but effective natural techniques through that you can straighten your hair, although the effect will not be permanent. The benefit of natural techniques is that you can enjoy straight hair without paying huge & without damaging your hair by harmful chemicals. 1. Straighten hair with Coconut Milk : You can use freshly extracted coconut milk to straighten your hair. Use

How an aspirin can do harm than good?

The regular use of aspirin can cut the rate of non-fatal heart attack but at the same time it can also increase the risk of internal bleeding by a third too. Healthy people who take aspirin daily to prevent heart attack could be doing more harm than good. According to a report it has been seen that mostly people over fifty years of age would be benefited from having aspirin prescribed by the doctor. The new study found that healthy people who take aspirin can reduce their already small risk of stroke by 12%, but the small risk of internal bleeding can be increased by a third. There were five fewer cases of heart attack for every ten thousand people treated but at the same time increase cases of in internal bleeding per ten thousand treated. In another study it is found that where patients were taking aspirin to prevent a repeat attack, aspirin reduced the chances of serious vascular events by about one-fifth & this benefit clearly outweighed the small risk of bleeding. “The lat

Mobile Chips to diagnose diseases : Coming Soon !

In near future a mobile phone chip can diagnose medical condition on the spot . This gadget will be available in five years. Researchers are on the verge of perfecting a tiny microchip that reads blood tests & slots into a mobile phone. So it can send to your doctor. This gadget will prove helpful to eliminate painful waits for laboratory reports. The device will also be made available to paramedics attending everyday emergencies. It is believed that such invention will be proved hugely beneficial for health services around the world. Such inventions will dramatically change the way by which fatal conditions are diagnosed & treated today. The new gadget will reduce the waiting time for patients, always a nerve-wracking experience & allow doctors to begin the treatment much earlier than which was possible previously. Doctors will be able to carry out tests at a patient's bedside instead of waiting for lab results. This gadget will plug into a mobile then require only a

Get rid of Black eye through home remedies

Meaning : A black eye is a hematoma that is the pooling of blood outside the blood vessels. Though this essentially internal bleeding but not all internal bleeding is serious. In medical terms it is known as periorbital hematoma which simply involves the pooling of blood in the tissues around the eye. As a result of some trauma that has damaged the blood vessels in this area. Covering areas : The actual area which is covered by the black depends upon the blow received by blood vessels. According to study the patents experienced the typical black eye covered the area below the eye . However in some worst cases the black bruise may extend to the eyebrow. But of course there is no indication of the seriousness of the injury. Home remedy for black eye : Usually black eye does not require any treatment. It is usually only a minor injury that will heal by itself. Treatment for a black eye is only symptomatic. Unless the skin is broken, there is usually no scarring either. The best treatme

Genes could help you to live longer!

The new discovery finds key genes that control longevity & prevent ageing by a leading British scientist . That gene will help to understand the mechanism behind illness linked to old age ranging from heart disease to Alzheimer’s & lead to new drugs to tackle these diseases. Professor Linda Partridge said that gene mutations which extend the lives of animals such as worms, mice & fruit flies appear to play the same role in humans, holding out hope that will soon be able to live longer while staying healthy. According to a new research it has revealed that changes to single genes can give animal an extended lifespan & slow down many diseases of ageing at the same time. These researches could lead to many diseases being treated or delayed simultaneously with medication. The way by which human body processed the nutrients also offer an opportunity for manipulating the life span. However, drugs which inhibit the nutrient pathways could replicate the effects of a restric

Research found association of Gum & Heart disease

Gum disease or periodontitis is found to be genetically linked with heart disease. The team of University of Kiel has found a common gene mutation in people with gum disease & heart attack patients. Dr. Arne Schaefer said that gum disease or periodontitis should be taken very seriously & should be treated as early as possible. Both gum disease & coronary heart disease are associated with the same factors like smoking, diabetes & obesity . They found the bacteria that in the oral cavity are similar to those found in coronary plaques. Both diseases are erupted due to an imbalanced immune reaction & chronic inflammation. The bacteria involved in gum disease trigger a low grade inflammatory response throughout the body. The inflammatory response cause prompting changes in the arteries that leads to stroke & heart attack. Another possibility is that bacteria disturb the way blood vessels dilate directly because some bacteria can enter the bloodstream. Dr Arne Sch

How loss of memory associated with Menopause?

Women of a certain age often complain of becoming fogetful. It might start with forgetting where the keys have been left, leaving the list of shopping behind & struggling to recall names. Many women fear that it could be an early sign of Alzheimer’s . A new study has confirmed that menopausal women do suffer a little in their ability to learn & retain the information. The average age of the menopause in women is 50 years, when periods stop & many women develop symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats & depression . At this age a woman's supply of eggs has run out and dwindling oestrogen levels are linked to heart and bone problems. It is concluded that level of female hormones are likely to cause memory difficulties just before the menopause begins. Sixty per cent of women told that they have memory problems during the menopause transition. The new study found that the amount of learning improved back to pre-menopausal levels during the postmenopausal stage. Dr.

Curing hot flushes with Nerve injection

Meaning : Hot flushes are a common symptom of the menopause that affects around 80% of women all over the world. These are a sudden sensation of intense heat or sweating in the upper body. It can start in the neck, face & chest before spreading upwards or downwards. Hot flushes tend to last for five to ten minutes & typically persist for two to three years. These occur when there is an increase in amount of blood flowing to the skin. Causes of hot flushes : The exact cause of hot flushes is not known. One theory is that the drop in level of estrogens that occurs around menopause affects the hypothalamus, which is part of brain involved in the control of body temperature. Another theory is that changes in other brain chemicals like serotonin may cause hot flushes. Some women find that hot flushes can be triggered by stress, alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods , so simply cutting back may help. Treatment for hot flushes : For some women the flushes and sweating can be very distr

Combating stress with Holy Basil

Sun shine helps each & every one of us by providing Vitamin D that helps to relieve the stress. But still the stress hides behind the sun’s rays & especially in these terrible economics times, stress relief is going to be hard to come by. The Queen of Herbs called holy basil a natural remedy, it is popular for anti-inflammatory effects & antioxidant properties, but it is most well known for its success in relieving stress. Holy basil which scientifically known as Ocimum sanctum has been popular in India as remedy for all sorts of bodily conditions, as well as ailments of the mind & spirit. It is representative of the natural trinity of healing mid, spirit & body . Stress of work, family, bills or social pressure can make adhering to a normal & healthy diet more difficult. The mix of multi task, constant worrying & trying to maintain your body with added stress & time constraints often increase your stress level. If you feel your stress level is about

How to overcome your Fears?

Scanning your psychology for fear is a strange thing to do if you think about it. But when put into practice it is useful & becomes as routine of life. A very funny fact about fear is that, once it is identified, then it turns into something else & is hopefully on its way to become irrelevant. If you ignore your fears they grow like a fungus & eventually can take over your life. If you figured out what you want to do & do that then doors will open for you. Stay focused, work hard & you will stay on track. The easy thing you can do to sit around & finalize about what you want. The hard part just might have been the fear of success. We all have failures every day. It is not bad thing; it is just missing of the mark. But you should really try for success. Then if you fail, so what, keep on trying. Fears need constant attention and maintenance. Your fear is like a dust. You can sweep it away but it keeps coming back. Scanning your psychology from time to time is

Curing Sore Throat through home remedies

Definition : In medical terms a sore throat & loss of voice is known as laryngitis. A sore throat is a condition that is typified by the inflammation of the larynx of the voice box. It so called because this organ is at the place where the vocal cords are situated. Laryngitis should not be mistaken for the voice change that may happen during puberty in collusion with an upper respiratory tract infection at the time. Symptoms of Laryngitis : It manifests itself by flu-like symptoms, just as in upper respiratory tract infection like sinusitis, common cold & pharyngitis . This is differentiated by a breakdown of the voice box’s ability to vocalize as normal. The voice quality of the person becomes jerky, cracking voice of pubescent teenager to a complete loss of vocalization. Chronic Laryngitis : Laryngitis can be chronic that means its onset happen over a period of time or acute that means it suddenly stuck the patient down. Chronic laryngitis is usually caused by nodules

Get Rid of Vaginal Odor through home remedies

Vaginal odor or Bacterial vaginosis affects many women but this disease is not a sexually transmitted disease because only women are affected by it. Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection of the vagina. Normally in a healthy vagina there are bacteria as well but these form part of the regular flora of the vagina & don’t harm the women any way. One of these bacteria that reside in the vagina is called lactobacillus. This is a peroxide creating bacteria & by the action of this bacteria which keeps other more harmful bacteria under check. Things start getting wrong when the bacterial population is disturbed. This is due to many reasons like too many sexual encounters with different sexual partners, sharing towels and undergarments, introduction from one’s own clothing & even from using any sexual aid that has not been hygienically kept or that has been shared. When the new bacteria take hold in the vagina, the first infection is manifested by a fishy odor. Slowly show

Protects Your Child from Sun

Summer is a crucial time to keep your child’s skin protected from the sun’s harmful ultra violet rays. One blistering sunburn from unprotected sun exposure to child can possibly double the risk of melanoma later in life. More than 66% of the people don’t use sun protection regularly. As parents we began to practice what we preach, our child will be more likely to make habit of protecting themselves. Here are given tips for sun-proofing your child in summer. 1. Protection from day One : The baby’s protection from sun starts from day one. A baby younger than six months should be clothed properly. Baby should be clothed light weight long pants, brimmed hats & long-sleeved shirts . Use recommended sunscreen that has at least SPF15 . Sunscreen should be applied to small areas such as face & back of baby’s hands . When it is used correctly can help in protecting against sunburn & certain skin cancers. But the sunscreen should only be used as a reason to stay in the sun for lon

Chlamydia the hidden STD in men & women

Chlamydia is basically a sexual transmitted disease which is caused by bacteria known as Chlamydia trachomatis. The bacteria can move from one person to another through sexual intercourse & possibly through oral-genital contact. When transmitted through sexual contact, the bacteria can infect the urinary & reproductive organs. Chlamydia also can be passed from a pregnant woman to her new born while delivering the baby. Among all sexually transmittable diseases, Chlamydia is the most frequently occurring STD (sexual transmitted disease) in humans. If someone touches bodily fluids that contain the bacteria and then touches his or her eye, a Chlamydia eye infection is possible. Symptoms of Chlamydia in women : In many cases, Chlamydia causes only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. So an infection can last for weeks or months before it is discovered. In women, the bacteria initially infect the cervix and the urethra. Women who have symptoms might have an abnormal vaginal discha

Reduce heart attack risk with tea!

Every body has habit of tea . Can you imagine by taking three cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of heart attack? A new study has claimed a link between coronary heart disease & the tea. The beverage could even have anti-cancer properties, a review of previous research suggests. The studies found tea may be a useful addition to an anti-cancer diet. Some of these, which highlighted the effectiveness of naturally occurring compounds known as flavonoids in combating heart attack are analyzed by Dr. Carrie Ruxton , a member of the Tea Advisory Panel. It is found that men who took more than two cups of tea had a 21% reduced chance of heart attack. Women who took more than three cups a day had 32% lower risk of blocked arteries is found by French researchers. Taking at least three cups of tea can reduced the risk of heart attack by up to 70%. It is thought that tea flavonoids could be involved in controlling inflammation, reducing thrombosis, promoting blood vessel function and

Prevents Child’s breathing trouble with Eczema & Asthma link

Many young children are found with the irritating skin rash eczema which go on to develop asthma later on. But with new invention now doctors believe that they may be able to halt this progression which is also known as atopic march after finding a key substance that links the two conditions. Doctors found a substance which is secreted by damaged skin that is circulated through the bodies & trigger asthmatic symptoms in allergen-exposed mice . Their studies suggest that if eczema is treated early & a way is found to stop the trigger substance from spreading. This could help in blocking asthma development in young patients. Dr Raphael Kopan says , “Over the years, the clinical community has struggled to explain atopic march”, “So when we found that the skin of mice with an eczema-like condition produced a substance previously implicated in asthma, we decided to investigate further.” He found that cells in damaged skin can secrete thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a compoun

How Curry prevents from putting on weight?

Researchers believe that turmeric which is used in most Indian meals has an active ingredient that can help fight obesity. A meal which includes turmeric will lead to less weight gain than the normal meal having all ingredients except turmeric. A study from Tufts University in Boston found that turmeric contains a plant based chemical called curcumin which is easily absorbed by the body. This plant based chemical called curcumin which suppresses the growth of fat tissues in mice & human cell culture. Curcumin is also easily absorbed by the body, the researchers said, after experiments on mice . Turmeric is effective when added to a high-fat meal which could help fighting obesity. It destroys the fatty tissues from the meal. It appears the curcumin prevents the formation of new blood vessels which in turn help expand fatty tissue which is the cause of weight gain. Mohsen Meydani of the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture said , “Weight gain is the result of the growth and

Useful Herbs which provide healthy digestion

In today’s life everybody is suffering from some sort of digestive related disorders because our working style is such that we remain busy all the times with computers. Digestive disorders can be extremely uncomfortable, painful & annoying that disrupt the healthy life of a person. There are many herbs around you that can help you to naturally keep your digestive system in healthy order. Here explained some of important herbs which are useful for healthy digestion. 1.Usefulness of Ginger : Ginger is beneficial for our health. It is extremely beneficial in keeping your stomach & digestive system in optimum health. Ginger helps in proper digestion & also treating the problem of bloating, constipation & nausea naturally . Ginger has also been shown to help regulate movement through the intestines & produce higher levels of saliva & other digestive fluids that are secreted in the body. 2.Usefulness of Basil : In our kitchen basil is a commonly used herb in

What are the essentials for newborn baby care?

People often say that they are blesses with a baby girl or a baby boy . Babies are undeniably great gift for the parents. A special attention is required for taking care of newborn because the newborns can’t tell you what they want. Parents need to understand the signs of newborns & take good care of them. The possible sign that a newborn can give to parents is a long cry. Parents have to understand the language of newborns & attend to their requirements. Parents find it difficult to handle their babies first time but then it becomes normal for them. 1. Lack of experience : This is very common for the couples who are becoming parents for the first time & they don’t have enough experience in handling babies. Women need to start search for useful resources about newborn baby care when they are pregnant. Even though they have not done it before yet they need to understand essentials baby care fundamentals. Many books, articles & useful classes can help them to find solut

Drinking too much cola can paralyze your muscles!

This summer while taking a sip from that of cola bottle, think twice because drinking too much of cola could lead to muscle problems. It can also lead to an irregular heartbeat, bone weakness & even paralysis too. Experts said that the number of cola lovers suffering from health issues is increasing. This is because the cola drinks can cause blood potassium to drop dangerously low. Many people are seen suffering from tooth decay, diabetes & softening of the bones & doctors also have seen patients suffering from hypokalaemia , in which potassium level in the blood drops to a larger extent. This can further increase heart rhythm abnormalities & risk of muscle problems, which could prove fatal in some cases. Dr Moses Elisaf , from the University of Ioannina in Greece said, 'Evidence is increasing to suggest that excessive cola consumption can also lead to hypokalaemia, in which the blood potassium levels fall, causing an adverse effect on vital muscle functions.&

5 healthy benefits of consuming Chilly

Chilies which lead to your tongue burning hot & tears rolling down of your eyes are beneficial for your overall health. There are various benefits of consuming chilies in your daily meals as well as provide various essential nutrients that your body requires to fight with various diseases. Some of useful benefits of consuming it are explained here. 1. Nutritional richness of Chilly : It is a good source of nutrients. Chilies are seen good source of Vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C & E. They also have nutrients like potassium , foliate , magnesium & copper. Chilies contain important antioxidants that help in fighting the harmful affect of free radicals in the body & thus provide various health benefits. 2. Good for Heart & Diabetes : By consuming chilies , you can keep your heart healthy. Chilies help to destroy the harmful cholesterol , thereby aiding in cardiovascular health . It helps to eliminate the bad cholesterols from the blood & supply good blood to t

Pregnant women who can’t quit smoking blame their Genes

Pregnant women who have habit of smoking may have gene that makes it harder for them to quit smoking during pregnancy. Study conducted over 2,500 women smoker revealed the fact that those with addictive gene were up to 66% less likely to quit when they become pregnant. This study showed that why many pregnant women continue to smoke , despite the dangers to their unborn baby. Smoking during pregnancy can create many complication for unborn like stillbirth , premature birth & having under weight baby. It may also trebles the risk of cot death . Women are more likely to quit smoking during pregnancy than at any time of their lives but up to 80% will stick with the habit. Researchers stressed that expecting women shouldn’t use their gene as an excuse to continue smoking. They said that woman’s genetic make-up may make it harder for her to quit smoking but it won’t make it impossible. The researchers, from the Peninsula Medical School took the survey over 2.474 women smokers. DNA

13 symptoms to identify Hidden Health Problems

In our day to day life we all have some small health problems. Some times there are symptoms we usually ignored regarding our health. But there are few or many unlikely symptoms which can pinpoint hidden health problems. If you have any health problem then your body began to tell you what food it needed because every outcome is caused by a specific set of circumstances. There is a reason for everything that happens, even if the reason is sometimes obscure. Jim a top forensic scientists analyzes other unusual signs of underlying health problems, using scientific research to try to work out why they were occurring. Jim has collected more than hundred of these in his new book , The Body Language Of Health. Here is extract of some of the baffling or seemingly innocuous body language signs and their possible meanings. 1. Nail Biting Possible Cause – lack of Calcium & other Minerals : Millions of people do it & unable to give up this habit. By biting nails it is considered that the