
Showing posts from April, 2009

Rocking your Sex life! With yoga

Yoga is useful in every field of life , though it may be curing chronic diseases or preventing your body free of diseases. Yoga equally helpful for your happy married life. Sex is part & parcel of married life. Yoga not only makes you body flexible but also helps to cures many problems relating to reproductive organs both in male & females. Here are he things explained that are useful to make your sex life rocking & exciting. Helpful in Concentrating : It helps couples to be more aware of their breathing which helps them to able to concentrate. Breathing exercises help to maintain a good level of concentration of body as well of mind. Concentration is useful for better sex. You can undeniably enjoy sexual activities more. Helpful for Strength & Flexibility : In yoga many poses are told to make body flexible & strong. By practice of these different poses couple can make their muscles flexible & improve their joint health. Improving your muscle strength and fi

Keep Ovaries and Live Longer, hey women!

The ovaries are part of a woman's reproductive system. They are in the pelvis. Each ovary is about the size of an almond. The ovaries make the female hormones - estrogen and progesterone. They also release eggs. An egg travels from an ovary through a fallopian tube to the uterus. When a woman goes through menopause stage , her ovaries stop releasing eggs & make far lower level of hormones. [Photo Credit] Women who undergo hysterectomy have their ovaries removed along with the uterus. It is a practice to protect women from ovarian cancer . But new studies suggest that women who keep their ovaries live longer. Many women who had their ovaries removed could developed breast cancer. They were more likely to develop heart disease that women who keep their ovaries. More: Ovary removal can cause lung cancer risk source : Women Who Keep Ovaries Live Longer

Gestational Diabetes how affects Mother & Baby

Gestational Diabetes : This type of diabetes starts during pregnancy & goes away after child’s birth. It is believed that the hormones produced during pregnancy reduce a woman's receptivity to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels. Gestational diabetes affects between 1% to 3% of all pregnant women. Affects of Gestational Diabetes : It affects the mother in advance pregnancy stage and the baby too. Insulin does not cross the placenta , as glucose & other nutrients do. Extra blood glucose passes through the placenta that gives the baby a high blood glucose level. It results the baby's pancreas to make extra insulin to get rid of the blood glucose. Since the baby is getting more energy than it needs to develop and grow, the extra energy is stored as fat. High blood sugar levels can be unhealthy for both mother & baby. If it isn't treated , the baby may be more likely to have problems at birth. The baby may have a low blood sugar level , jaundice , &a

Kickass ways to improve your Life

Life is what we see of it. The life is a mixture of experiences , we passed through. Life has its ups & downs , sometimes these ups & downs taught us good things , at the same time they taught us the bad things. Actually both good & bad are , part & partial of our life. Many harsh truths in life can really improve one’s life. Here are some harsh truths of your life which can be greatly helpful for changing your point of view in life 1. No Friendship remains Forever : Remember your school days , when you always imagined spending most of your life with the same people. Then moved to college level , that all changed. Friends will always come & go in your life. You should accept this hard thing that many of the friends you spend time with now, might not be around in next few years. There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet & build relationship with. Don’t feel stress if you don’t have many friends. 2. You won’t get always you Want : In l

7 finger movements [Mudras] for amazing health

The health of whole body is disguised in your fingers , this is not fun but it is true. Different diseases can be cured by giving different shapes to your fingers. It is not a new invention but it has been attached with ancient Indian culture called Mudra Vigyan ( Mudra science ). The small day to day problems can be cured effectively through these shapes. Which are formed by touching different fingers with each other. With the help of these Mudras (finger shape ) , the elements of the body are stabilized which cure many diseases. Any Mudra practiced for at least 15 to 20 minutes proved helpful for a particular problem. Here are the main helpful Mudra for routine life problems 1. Gyan Mudra : This shape is formed by touching the forefinger & thumb each other, while other fingers remain straight. This shape is beneficial for alleviating the disorders of the brain & provides sound sleep . This Mudra is also very beneficial for children for their intellectual development . 1

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis , how effects Kids?

Meaning : JRA is a disease of the immune system found in children of the age of 16 years & under. In this autoimmune disease , the immune system which supposed to protect the body from invaders , viruses etc. , instead release chemicals that can damage healthy tissues & causes the destruction of healthy joints. Symptoms of JRA : This in turn may lead to swelling , inflammation , immobility of joints , soreness , immobility of connective tissues & joint linings . A typical sign of juvenile arthritis is swelling of the joint with pain & stiffness. Some children may also develop limping or a sore wrist , finger , knee etc . Some children complain about fever in day & rashes appear & disappear on the body. some children complain about morning stiffness in joints. Causes of JRA : Causes of JRA is still unknown. It can be caused by a viral illness & in certain cases a child may be predisposed to JRA due to genetic factors . It typically affects 1 chi

How to Stay Positive when Sick

Remaining positive while you were suffering from any disease is an important. Either from a passing cold or a long –term disease we slip into the emotional dump. But it is not compulsory to feel blue when your body is healing. New studies show that brighter mood helps to mend your disease faster. Because turning off the mood is associated with call for another diseases to surround you. Here is way to stay up when your body is down. 1. The Body is Sick , not the Brain : Always keep in mind that your body is sick not your mind. You need not to feel sad just because your body is sick & delineate a happy divide between physical aches & pains & emotional ones. You can be in pain or suffering but at least not add to external suffering with a poor me monologue in your head. 2. Taking Sensory care : When you are sick your visual , auditory, olfactory , and other kinds of clutter are pretty defeated & your energies are consumed after getting better , not filtering o

5+ health tips to stay Fit webworker

Working constantly on any project as a web worker does not have the enough time to keep one's fit. Because web working & fitness usually don’t go parallel to each other. As a result their weigh increases , mental stress increases & their overall health goes down the tubes . So without good health , productivity declines. When productivity declines , output decline. When output declines , income declines. They make excuse to do exercise , there is always a tomorrow. Here are seven wonderful tips for web workers 1. Being Disciplined & Organized : Being at home does not mean that , one to disrespect time. One should be disciplined & organized enough to eat, the right food at the right time . One should maintain regularity to stick one’s schedule. It does not make difference in different slots of time. It does not matter if one exercise at 5 a.m. & other at 5 p.m. Time could be different for different people. 2. Having the right Chair : The chair is the mos

7 Dieting mistakes People often Make

People tried multiple diets in their daily life , but nothing seems to work for them. They think perhaps those diets are good for their health. People do some dieting mistakes quiet often , they think by following the rigid diet pattern they are able to find good out of it. They eat breakfast every day , drink plenty of water but something still seems to be wrong. Here are seven dieting mistakes that people might not realize they are making 1. Eating very little food : Many people think by eating less they are able to lose their weight but they do not realize that it actually prevent them from losing weight. Because human body is a good adjusting to difficult conditions. Eating less on consistent basis the body will become super-efficient in clinging onto its remaining stores of fat. The body starts to eat up its muscles for energy . Nutritionists recommend to eat more than 1000 calories per day. Do not crash your diet by cutting calories. 2. Following a Monotonous pattern :

83-Year-Old Yoga Supergrany still going Strong

At the age of 83 years Bette Calman is more flexible than a young people. As Yoga instructor she can assume any shape of yogic advanced postures though it may be of backward bending or forward bending. She can assume the most toughest pose that is called ‘The Peacock Pose.’ She has 40 years of teaching experience under her belt. She as Australian is a living wonder proof that your dedication towards yoga for whole life , keep you body flexible & disease free. She says, ““You’re never too old. The body is a remarkable instrument. It can stretch and stretch, and get better all the time. Forget age , ““Even a basic posture, or just going to a window and breathing deeply, can have big benefits”. source

Prevent Hiatal hernia with Home Remedies

Hiatal Hernia - Heartburn : It is also known as diaphragmatic hernia is annoying & serious health problem should be treated immediately. It occurs when one part of your body opening into another part. This hernia forms at the opening in the diaphragm where the esophagus (the food pipe) joins the stomach. A part of your stomach pushes through this opening & cause hiatal hernia. Home Remedies For Hiatal hernia : Natural approach has become more a preferable approach in treating hiatal hernia rather than medical approach. By following varies home remedies this problem can be cured to great extent , if you follow certain things in your routine life, they will help to get rid of this problem to a larger extent. 1. Avoid spicy & stuffy food : All the spicy & stuffy foods help to increase production of stomach acid which cause the burning sensation in the stomach as well as in the esophagus. Even tea & coffee can be irritating to as inflamed esophagus lining. 2. Alc

Menopause symptoms & role of Yoga

Menopause is a part of every woman’s life. It is the hormonal , physical & psychological changes that take place in the three to five years during middle age before the last menstrual period. This stage usually occurs between the age of 40 and 60 associated with the permanent end of menstruation and fertility and a natural part of a woman's life cycle. Menopause can start as early as the age of 30 & last until as late as the age of 60. [Photo Credit] Menopause can also occur when ovaries are removed or stop functioning. Menopause stage of a woman's life occurs primarily due to decreased functioning of the ovaries. This reduced function results in decreased amounts of estrogen and a cessation of the menstrual period. It not illness but a natural unique biologic process for each individual woman. Symptoms of Menopause : It include irregular menstruation , hot flashes , vaginal dryness , mood changes , urinary problems , changes in sexual desire , sleep disturbance ,

Breastfeeding protects Mother health

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for a new born baby, but it also protect mother from many chronic diseases. Women who breastfeed their babies may be lowering their own risk from many diseases like heart attack , breast cancer, osteoporosis & stroke the studies suggest. Protection from Heart disorders : Scientist have revealed that breastfeeding can greatly protect mother from heart attack & stroke. They found that women who breastfeed for more than a year have 10% less likely to suffer from heart attack & stroke compared to those who have never breastfeed. In another study it has found that mothers who breastfeed for one month are lower rate of diabetes , blood pressure & cholesterol ,these three factors are one of the major cause of heart problem . Protection from Cancer : Breast cancer is one of the most common form of cancer among women. Evidences are convincing that breastfeeding protects women from developing breast cancer before & after menopause

Importance of Calcium for healthy Living

Calcium is most important to keep your bones healthy. More than 99% of total body’s calcium is stored in the bones & teeth. The remaining 1% is found throughout the body in the form of muscles , blood & fluid between the cells. Calcium is required in body for muscles contraction , blood vessels contraction & expansion , the secretion of hormones & sending messages to the nervous system. From birth to childhood & up to the age of thirty bones increase in size & mass. Bones continue to add more mass until the peak bone mass point is reached ,where maximum point of bone is achieved. So it is particularly important to consume adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D throughout infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Vitamin D is helpful in absorbing calcium in the body. It is found in fluids & dried milk & cereals etc. The body can also obtain vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Thus adequate amount of Vitamin gain from food & sun exposed

Anger management , leading life with Smile

Having an uncontrollable temper is one of the most unattractive things that a person can have and it will really impede your professional and social life. Anger is the most powerful enemy of man’s himself. Because anger not only harm others but it also harms the person who do this. A person can become angry over petty issues in his or her life like , his desires ,wills or any sort of frustration face by him or her in day to day life. But the anger is not the solution of one’s problems. There are also other aspects through which one can get control over one’s anger, which are very little but proved to be very useful in life. Many people who get really angry tend to hyper-ventilate & lose control over their bodily functions. They start throwing the things here and there. Their blood pressure rises & they see red. One of the best thing you need to do to control your anger is very simple deep breathing exercise that you can practice at your home. Many chronic diseases are als

Prevent Hital hernia - Heartburn through Yoga

Hiatal Hernia - Heartburn : It is also known as diaphragmatic hernia is annoying & serious health problem should be treated immediately. It occurs when one part of your body opening into another part. This hernia forms at the opening in the diaphragm where the esophagus (the food pipe) joins the stomach. A part of your stomach pushes through this opening & cause hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia allows food & acid to back up into your esophagus ( the food pipe ) , which leads to heartburn & chest pain. Home remedies or self measures can usually relieve these symptoms but some times require medical attention too. Symptoms of Hiatal hernia : It is accompanied by symptoms like a burning sensation , chest pain , heartburn , nausea , acid reflux immediately after meals and these symptoms are located often in the upper part of the stomach. However the problem is that in most cases , there are no symptoms to indicate this condition. Apart from heart burn, some patients do ex

Nataraja asana for stretching Chest muscles , align Vertebrae

Meaning : Nata means the dancer & raja means The King. Natraja is another name of Lord Shiva in Hindu Mythology . His dance symbolizes cosmic energy in its five actions i.e. creation , maintenance , destruction & re-absorption of the world. The dance routine is believed to be representative of the energy flowing through the universe. King of dance pose is beneficial as balancing pose & it stretches the muscles of both upper & lower parts of the body. This pose give good stretch to chest muscle & align the vertebrae , provide restorative for the spine & helps to make it supple & eliminate the stress or strain due to postural deformities. King of dance pose is a balancing back bend which cultivates open heartiness and helps you uncover your inner radiance. As you stretch your whole body, you develop balance. Detailed Technique : Firstly stand in Tadaasan , inhaling bend the right leg towards back & with the left hand take hold of the left foot. At

6 Yoga poses for curing Enlarged prostrate - BPH

The Prostrate is walnut size gland in men & is an integral part of male reproductive system . It is situated at the base of man’s penis in front of rectum & just below the bladder. It is made of two lobes & enclosed by a layer of tissue. As the prostrate gets larger (BPH – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) which usually happens latter in life , the layer of tissue surrounding it, stop it from expanding , causing the gland to press against the urethra. It obstruct the flow of urine & that makes it so much harder for the bladder to discharge the urine. The extra effort weaken the muscles of the bladder & the urine cannot be completely emptied from it. Which adds extreme discomfort & many other complications in the body Symptoms of Enlarged prostrate (BPH) : First symptom of BPH is difficulty in urinating or frequent urination. Secondly a feeling of not having emptied the urinary bladder completely. Thirdly continuous dribbling after the urination & some t

5 Ways to boost Metabolism , lose Fat naturally

Metabolism : It is amount of energy in calories that your body burns in order to maintain its weight. Burning fat is the key to lose weight. Metabolism is a constant process that begins when we conceived and ends when we die. It is a vital process for all life forms , not just humans. If metabolism stops, a living thing dies. Metabolism is the act involving two kinds of activities which go on the same time i.e. the building up of body tissues & energy stores & the breaking down of body tissues & energy stores , to generate more fuel for the functioning of the body. Here are the 5 ways , you can follow to boost your metabolism. 1. Food part : Many people think that by starving themselves or cutting down eating will help them lose weight. But they actually slow their metabolism drastically. When you body feel panic , it will slow your metabolism then it will burn less calories & store more fat. Food is the most important tool through which you can achieve a strong ,

How to cure Myasthenia Gravis through yoga?

Myasthenia Gravis : It is chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease in which there is immense weakness in the muscles of arms, hands ,neck, legs & all other parts of the body. Myasthenia gravis is muscle weakness that increases during periods of activity and improves after periods of rest. Muscles that control eye and eyelid movements , facial expression , chewing , talking , breathing and swallowing are often affected but not always. This disease is caused by a defect in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. In myasthenia gravis the neuro-muscular junction of human body get blocked & the communication between the muscles & nerves are disturbed results in weakening of muscles. The first noticeable symptoms of myasthenia gravis may be weakness of the eye muscles and the eyelids tend to droop. Medical management : Myasthenia gravis can be controlled. Some medications improve neuromuscular transmission and increase muscle strength, and some suppress the produc

Amazonian Ants reproduce by Cloning find Scientists

In jungle of Amazon , ants have evolved an unusual social system of reproduction. All ants are female & they reproduce via cloning in spite of laying eggs. Their sexual organs have virtually disappeared but nature has developed some extraordinary abilities in them by which they reproduce. Biologist Himler belong to University of Arizona began her study the ants called Mycocepurus smithii , many breeds of ants keep domesticated farms where they breed various kinds of fungus for nourishment. She found that Mycocepurus smithii was able breed fungus far more successfully , & in greater varieties than other ants. Himler & her team found no male ants in Mycocepurus smithii anywhere & she told that it is possible the ants evolved so as not to operate under the usual constraint of sexual reproduction. The fungi that the ants cultivate also reproduce asexually . She further explained that it avoids the energetic cost of producing males , & doubles the number of

Useful Yam , Niyam for Self-Realisation

Yam : Yam is particularly useful for society . according to Patanjali Yoga Sutra , there are five forms of Yam are 1. Ahimsa – Non-injury : it connects non-injury to all in world , deed & thought. It is very difficult practice to follow. A weak person cannot observe it. Lack of this restraint in a person makes him a slave of many evils & perversities . Where Ahimsa is observed in letter & sprit , malice & hostility take to their heels. 2. Sateya - Truth : A practitioner of truth is one who observes it in world , deed & thought. Truth means describing a thing or a person exactly as he sees or experienced. Practice of truth can be observed by a person who healthy , strong-wiled & endowed with a steady-intelligence , non-biased & of equanimous temperament . Besides , two essentials of truth must be noted with care : Firstly the truth melodiously , not bitterly. Secondly , always speak the truth for the good of other people , a truth by which other people